Cedar Ridge High School
Royalty Dance Team
& Booster Club
Royal Treatment 2024
Participant info packet
*** If you have not received an email confirming your registration, please email vpevents.royaltyboosterclub@gmail.com
Practice videos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-VEuM0E6iOv6CRqSu3lVrPWOzRFmw1gf
Ticket information: Click here for tickets.
Tickets are listed under McNeil because they are the home team. You'll need to click on the following to get you to the specific game tickets -->athletics->High School -> McNeil -> McNeil HS Varsity Football vs. Cedar Ridge.
What is Royal Treatment?
Royal Treatment is a fun and memorable clinic and performance for dancers in K-6th grade. It also serves as a fundraiser for our Royalty Dance Team Booster Club that helps support our Cedar Ridge Royalty Dance Team. The Royalty Booster Club works alongside our Royalty Directors to put on this event.
Who do I contact for emergencies?
Please contact Monica Bradtke at 512-351-2488. She is our Booster Club Board Member running the event.
How does it work?
Saturday Clinic: October 19th
Check in: 8:30-9am
Clinic: 9-12pm
Parent showcase: 11:45am
Each registered dancer is assigned to dance alongside a Royalty member. Each Royalty member is assigned 2-3 registered dancers.
Dancers should wear comfortable attire and tennis shoes.
During the Saturday clinic, the Royalty member will participate alongside dancers to learn a halftime dance routine and our victory lines routine.
Each dancer will have their individual picture taken with Royalty gear as a keepsake from their experience.
There will be a snack break. We will provide a Gatorade and assorted snacks (string cheese, granola bar, goldfish). You can absolutely send your child with their own snack.
Due to space issues, parents are not permitted to stay during the clinic. However, there will be a parent showcase at 11:45 am where dancers can show off their skills right before the clinic is over.
Dancers will be sent a video of their routine to practice at home during the week.
Friday night game: October 25th
Getting ready
Dancers should bring their Royalty drawstring bag and pom poms.
Dancers should wear their Royal Treatment t-shirt, black leggings, tennis shoes and have hair out of their face. Dancers can customize their outfits with tutus, bows or whatever expresses their personality.
Check-in: 6pm-6:30pm at Kelley Reeves Athletic Complex (see below)
On Friday night, dancers should be checked in at the field between 6-6:30pm on the home side of the field (map below).
When you check in your child, you will receive a purple bracelet with their name on it. Whichever grown-up is meeting your child after the dance will need this bracelet to check them out.
You will need to have your football ticket to get into the stadium as a parent (see details below).
Parents will be asked to sit in the stands to help us avoid congestion and manage all the dancers.
Prior to the game and at the game, I will give you a print out with a diagram of where your child will be dancing on the field.
Royalty Booster Club volunteers will sit with students in a fenced area on the home side of the field until their dance team member arrives at 6:30pm. Pizza will be available at no charge and we will have fun activities to keep dancers busy.
Pre-game: 6:30ish-7
The Royalty team arrives by bus. Once they arrive, our volunteers will be escorting dancers along the outside of the field over to the opposite side of the stands to meet their assigned dancer.
They will be on the field participating in pre-game victory lines where they do the school song and cheer for the team when they come out on the field.
First half of game: 7pm
Dancers will sit in the stands with their Royalty Dancer to cheer and dance along with the band.
Booster Club volunteers are also available. Parents are not allowed to sit in the Royalty section.
Close to the start of the second quarter, the team will leave their seats and line up to go on the field.
We will be by the bathrooms so we will do a potty break at that time as well.
The Booster Club will have photographers on the field and we have gotten great photos of all the dancers in the past.
Check out the map below to see where your child is dancing.
After they dance, all dancers will run off the field towards the visitor side of the field. We have to get off the field fast!
After half-time, girls will say good-bye to their dancers.
ONE ADULT with the pickup purple bracelet should head to the visitor side of the field to get their child. Please do not bring the whole family! It gets very congested and we want all kids released back to the right person.
Look for the volunteer with the yard line sign that matches your child’s yard line. They will check your bracelet and make a note that your child was picked up. Volunteers will check out each dancer as fast as possible to get them back to you.
You and your child are free to go or to stay and cheer on Cedar Ridge for the win!
Where do we go?
Saturday clinic
For the Saturday clinic, we will be in the big gym at Cedar Ridge. You can park in the lot indicated below and follow signs to registration. It is fine to pull up in the bus lane during drop off. When you return for the parent showcase, enter the same way. Do not park in the fire lane for the 11:45 am dancer showoff before pick up.

Friday game
The Friday game is at Kelley Reeves athletic complex which is at 10211 W Parmer, Austin 78717. Park on the home side (with the press boxes). Check in for the dancers will be to the left of the gate. For pick up, you will go to the end of the football field towards the home side gate.
**Please note that we are the visiting team. However, where the dance team sits in the stands is closest to the home side which is why we have pick up and drop off there.

How do the friends and family get into the football game?
Very important! The registered dancer is covered, but everyone else needs a ticket. All RRISD athletic events have electronic ticket sales. Most of us have downloaded the hometown fan app that you can use to purchase tickets from your phone. You cannot purchase tickets in person. Public sales for the game go on sale Monday, October 23rd. We will send a reminder to all registered dancers to buy their friends and family tickets. Tickets are $7 general admission and $3 for students if purchased before game day (the pricing increases).
How can parents help make this a great experience?
Have your dancer where they need to be on time so they don’t miss out.
Understand that we do our best to honor requests to be placed with certain dancers, but we cannot make guarantees.
Make sure we have the right information about who will be picking your child up on Saturday and Friday.
Help your child practice their dance.
Give a big thank you to our Royalty dancers. They are awesome!
Encourage your child to be respectful and make everyone feel welcome.
How can parents help make this a great experience?
You can contact our Booster Club Vice President of Events, Monica Bradtke, at vpevents.royaltyboosterclub@gmail.com
Frequently asked questions
Can my child be moved so they are dancing in the front? Placement of dancers is at the sole direction of the Royalty Directors. Placement in the front is generally reserved for 6th graders for whom this will be their last Royal Treatment.
What if my child has an inhaler or EpiPen? Depending on the child’s age and your preference, you can keep those items with you and/or put them in their Royalty bag which they will have on the field. As volunteers, we are not able to administer medical care. Talk with our VP of Events to make arrangements if you have serious concerns.
What if my child has special needs or unique circumstances to consider? Email our VP of Events and we can see what we can do.
What if my child cannot make the game but wants to come on Saturday? Just let us know. We cannot offer a discount, but we would still love for them to come.
What if my child cannot make the Saturday clinic, but wants to come on Friday? To dance on Friday, your child has to attend the Saturday clinic or get special permission from the Royalty Director.
What if I am running late on Friday? Text our VP of Events so we can coordinate with you. She will be sharing her cell phone prior to the game.